Command line interfaces

In the Validate command (see Validation from the command line), there are changes to the separator used for lists of names supplied in the -s and -xsd options. The separator is now consistently semicolon on Windows, colon on MacOS and Linux; except when the -u option is specified, in which case URIs are separated by whitespace.

For SaxonCS, the transform, query, and validate commands now accept an option -init:assembly. The value is the filename of an assembly containing user-written code to initialize the Saxon configuration. This can be used, for example, to register extension functions or collations.

For SaxonJ, the Transform and Query commands, when used with the -TP option for performance profiling, now accept an additional option -TPxsl:filename; the value is the filename or URI of a stylesheet to be used for formatting the result. This allows you, for example, to output the results in XML or JSON format, or to filter or reorder the results for analysis.

The Transform command recognizes the options -target:JS2 and -target:JS3 to generate SEF files for different versions of SaxonJS. The option -target:JS is equivalent to -target:JS2 for the time being; the option -target:JS3 is for future use.

From 12.3, the Query command line recognizes the option -ns, with the same values as on the Transform command. There is also API support for setting a default element namespace policy in the s9api XQueryCompiler.