



Class DomDestination

public class DomDestination
implements XmlDestination

This class represents a Destination (for example, the destination of the output of a transformation) in which the results are written to a newly constructed DOM tree in memory.

Constructor Summary

DomDestination ()

Construct a DomDestination.

DomDestination (XmlDocument attachmentPoint)

Construct a DomDestination based on an existing document node.

DomDestination (XmlDocumentFragment attachmentPoint)

Construct a DomDestination based on an existing document fragment node.

DomDestination (XmlElement attachmentPoint)

Construct a DomDestination based on an existing element node.


Property Summary

 XmlDocument XmlDocument

After construction, retrieve the constructed document node.


Method Summary

 void Close()

Close any resources associated with this destination. Note that this does not close any user-supplied OutputStream or Writer; those must be closed explicitly by the calling application.

 net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination GetUnderlyingDestination()

The underlying Destination object in the Saxon implementation


Constructor Detail


public DomDestination()

Construct a DomDestination.

With this constructor, the system will create a new DOM Document to act as the destination of the query or transformation results. The document node of the new document may be retrieved via the XmlDocument property.


public DomDestination(XmlDocument attachmentPoint)

Construct a DomDestination based on an existing document node.

The new data will be added as a child of the supplied node.


attachmentPoint - The document node to which new contents will be attached. To ensure that the new document is well-formed, this document node should have no existing children.


public DomDestination(XmlDocumentFragment attachmentPoint)

Construct a DomDestination based on an existing document fragment node.

The new data will be added as a child of the supplied node.


attachmentPoint - The document fragment node to which new contents will be attached. The new contents will be added after any existing children.


public DomDestination(XmlElement attachmentPoint)

Construct a DomDestination based on an existing element node.

The new data will be added as a child of the supplied element node.


attachmentPoint - The element node to which new contents will be attached. The new contents will be added after any existing children.

Property Detail


public XmlDocument XmlDocument {get; }

After construction, retrieve the constructed document node.

If the zero-argument constructor was used, this will be a newly constructed document node. If the constructor supplied a document node, the same document node will be returned. If the constructor supplied a document fragment node or an element node, this method returns the OwnerDocument property of that node.

Method Detail


public void Close()

Close any resources associated with this destination. Note that this does not close any user-supplied OutputStream or Writer; those must be closed explicitly by the calling application.


public net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination GetUnderlyingDestination()

The underlying Destination object in the Saxon implementation

This property provides access to internal methods in the Saxon engine that are not specifically exposed in the .NET API. In general these methods should be considered to be less stable than the classes in the Saxon.Api namespace.

The internal methods follow Java naming conventions rather than .NET conventions.

Information about the returned net.sf.saxon.Configuration object (and the objects it provides access to) is included in the Saxon JavaDoc docmentation.


returns the underlying Destination object