Class QNameParser

  • public class QNameParser
    extends java.lang.Object
    Parser to handle QNames in either lexical QName or EQName syntax, including resolving any prefix against a URIResolver. The parser can be instantiated with various options to control the returned error code, the handling of defaults, etc. The QNameParser is immutable; its properties are set using the withProperty() fluent API style.
    • Method Detail

      • withNamespaceResolver

        public QNameParser withNamespaceResolver​(NamespaceResolver resolver)
        Set the namespace resolver to be used
        resolver - the namespace resolver
        a new QNameParser using the specified NamespaceResolver
      • withAcceptEQName

        public QNameParser withAcceptEQName​(boolean acceptEQName)
        Say whether URI-qualified names in Q{uri}local format should be accepted
        acceptEQName - true if extended QName syntax is accepted
        a new QNameParser with the requested properties
      • withErrorOnBadSyntax

        public QNameParser withErrorOnBadSyntax​(java.lang.String code)
        Say what error code should be thrown when the QName syntax is invalid
        code - the error code to be thrown
        a new QNameParser with the requested properties
      • withErrorOnUnresolvedPrefix

        public QNameParser withErrorOnUnresolvedPrefix​(java.lang.String code)
        Say what error code should be thrown when the prefix is undeclared
        code - the error code to be thrown
        a new QNameParser with the requested properties
      • withUnescaper

        public QNameParser withUnescaper​(XQueryParser.Unescaper unescaper)
        Supply a callback used to unescape special characters appearing in the URI part of an EQName
        unescaper - the callback to be used
        a new QNameParser with the requested properties
      • parse

        public StructuredQName parse​(java.lang.String lexicalName,
                                     java.lang.String defaultNS)
                              throws XPathException
        Make a structured QName from a lexical QName, using a supplied NamespaceResolver to resolve the prefix. The local part of the QName is checked for validity; the prefix is not checked, on the grounds that an invalid prefix will fail to resolve to a URI.
        lexicalName - the QName as a lexical name (prefix:local)
        defaultNS - the default namespace to use if there is no prefix
        the StructuredQName object corresponding to this lexical QName
        XPathException - if the namespace prefix is not in scope or if the value is lexically invalid. Error code FONS0004 is set if the namespace prefix has not been declared; error code FOCA0002 is set if the name is lexically invalid. These may need to be changed on return depending on the caller's requirements.