System Programming Interfaces

Sequence and SequenceIterator

The class Sequence, and its many subclasses such as GroundedValue and Item, were changed in Saxon 9.9 to use Java Generics; the same change was also made to SequenceIterator and its many subclasses. This change has been reverted in Saxon 10. The reason for this is basically that the change added a lot of complexity and delivered no benefits: an analysis of the motivation can be found in a Saxon blog article.


The way in which namespaces are represented in the NodeInfo interface has changed, to be closer to the XDM model. Instead of getDeclaredNamespaces(), which returned the namespace information as a set of declarations and undeclarations relative to the parent element, the interface now has getAllNamespaces(), which returns all the in-scope namespaces as a NamespaceMap object. This brings the API much closer to the way that the XDM data model is defined, which ultimately makes it easier to use. The potential inefficiency of having namespaces defined redundantly on every single element node is handled by sharing NamespaceMap objects (so two elements with the same in-scope namespaces share the same NamespaceMap). The NamespaceMap object is immutable, which makes such sharing easy to manage.

To make it easier to iterate over the children of a node, the NodeInfo interface now has a method children() returning Iterable<NodeInfo>. The method has a default implementation. This makes it possible to use a Java "for each":

for (NodeInfo child : children()) { ... }

There is also a variant of children() that takes a Java Predicate as its second argument. The NodeTest class now implements Predicate<NodeInfo>, so you can write for example:

for (NodeInfo childElement : children(NodeKindTest.ELEMENT)) { ... }

which processes the children of a node that are themselves element nodes.

Similarly, there is a new method attributes() which returns an AttributeMap. This class replaces the old AttributeCollection throughout the product. The most notable differences are (a) an AttributeMap is immutable, and (b) its primary access is as an Iterable, rather than using integer subscripts to index into it. There are different implementations of AttributeMap depending on the number of attributes; for larger attribute sets, a hash trie structure is used to give faster access by name, and to enable addition of attributes without copying the whole structure.

The method NodeInfo.iterateAxis(axisNumber, condition) has been generalized to take a Java Predicate as its second argument.


The Receiver interface has been forked into two interfaces: Receiver and Outputter.


DateTimeValue and related classes such as DateValue and TimeValue provide additional constructors and getter methods supporting conversion to or from: java.time.Instant, java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.OffsetDateTime, java.time.ZonedDateTime, and java.time.LocalDate.

Conversion of DateTimeValue to/from classes in the java.time package now retains nano-second precision (previously, it only retained micro-second precision).


For push-mode instruction execution, the current receiver/outputter is no longer held in the XPathContext object. Instead it is passed to the relevant methods (such as Expression.process()) as an explicit parameter. This reduces the need to create new XPathContext objects.

The PullProvider interface has changed to use a type-safe enum class for event types rather than integer constants.

The SequenceIterator interface has changed: the getProperties() method now returns a type-safe EnumSet rather than an integer with bit-significant flags.

Saxon has generally moved to the use of EQName notation (Q{uri}local) in preference to Clark names ({uri}local) for internal use. Clark names are still used where mandated by the JAXP specification, and in other stable APIs. In lower-level system programming interfaces, however, applications may notice the change. For example the change affects the representation of output properties such as method and cdata-section-elements, which are exposed to user-written serialization methods and customised serializers.

Dropped interfaces

The method StaticQueryContext.setExternalNamespaceResolver() is dropped (it has been present in the product for many years but appears to be untested, and its intended behavior is unclear).

Some long-deprecated classes and methods have been dropped, including those listed below. The general principle is that methods deprecated since 9.7 or earlier have all been dropped; methods first deprecated in 9.8 have been dropped if they were producing no useful effect in 9.9 (for example, setter methods that did nothing).

The methods setRecoveryPolicy and getRecoveryPolicy have been dropped from the Configuration and CompilerInfo classes, along with the configuration feature Feature.RECOVERY_POLICY. In recent releases the only remaining effect of this switch was to provide a default for the xsl:mode attributes on-multiple-match="fail" and warning-on-multiple-match="true"; this must now be controlled via the xsl:mode declaration in the stylesheet.


The mechanism supporting execution tracing (including the -T and -TP options on the command line) has been substantially revamped, involving some changes to interfaces:


The StandardErrorListener and StandardInvalidityHandler have been refactored internally (a) to make better reuse of common code, and (b) to make it easier to write customised subclasses to achieve tailored diagnostic output. To this end, some static methods have been replaced by non-static methods, and large methods have been split into smaller pieces, documented to allow them to be overridden. A consequence of these changes is that existing user-written code subclassing these two classes may need changing. If this is onerous, one way of getting around the problem is to copy the open-source implementations of these methods from the Saxon 9.9 distribution, and rename this as a user-defined class.

A new configuration option Feature.RETAIN_NODE_FOR_DIAGNOSTICS is provided. If set, this causes the location information associated with instructions and expressions in an XSLT stylesheet to retain a reference to the node in the stylesheet tree where the error occurred (rather than simply retaining the node name and line number). This information can be useful to IDEs that wish to highlight where in the source the error occurred. The information is retained both for static and dynamic error reporting. The option is off by default because retaining the links prevents the temporary data used during compilation being garbage-collected. Previous releases attempted to retain the information for static errors but not for dynamic errors; it is now retained for both, but only if this option is set.