Class Pattern

    • Constructor Detail

      • Pattern

        public Pattern()
    • Method Detail

      • make

        public static Pattern make​(java.lang.String pattern,
                                   StaticContext env,
                                   PackageData packageData)
                            throws XPathException
        Static factory method to make a Pattern by parsing a String.
        pattern - The pattern text as a String
        env - An object defining the compile-time context for the expression
        packageData - The package containing this pattern
        The pattern object
        XPathException - if the pattern is invalid
      • replaceCurrent

        protected static void replaceCurrent​(Expression exp,
                                             LocalBinding binding)
        Replace any call to current() within a contained expression by a reference to a variable
        exp - the expression in which the replacement is to take place (which must not itself be a call to current())
        binding - the binding for the variable reference
      • patternContainsVariable

        public static boolean patternContainsVariable​(Pattern pattern)
        Ask whether a pattern has dependencies on local variables
        pattern - the pattern (typically a pattern in an xsl:number or xsl:for-each-group); or null
        true if the pattern is non-null and has dependencies on local variables
      • isLiftable

        public boolean isLiftable​(boolean forStreaming)
        Ask whether the expression can be lifted out of a loop, assuming it has no dependencies on the controlling variable/focus of the loop
        isLiftable in class Expression
        forStreaming - true if we are generating code for streaming
        true if the expression can be loop lifted
      • bindCurrent

        public void bindCurrent​(LocalBinding binding)
        Replace any calls on current() by a variable reference bound to the supplied binding
      • matchesCurrentGroup

        public boolean matchesCurrentGroup()
        Ask whether the pattern is anchored on a call on current-group()
        true if calls on matchesBeneathAnchor should test with all nodes in the current group as anchor nodes. If false, only the first node in a group is treated as the anchor node
      • setOriginalText

        public void setOriginalText​(java.lang.String text)
        Set the original text of the pattern for use in diagnostics
        text - the original text of the pattern
      • isRecoverable

        public boolean isRecoverable()
        Ask whether dynamic errors in evaluating the pattern should be recovered. This is the default for normal XSLT patterns, but patterns used internally to represent scannable streaming expressions are non-recoverable
        true if dynamic errors in pattern evaluation should be treated as recoverable (if an error occurs, the pattern is treated as non-matching; a warning is sent to the ErrorListener).
      • setRecoverable

        public void setRecoverable​(boolean recoverable)
        Aay whether dynamic errors in evaluating the pattern should be recovered. This is the default for normal XSLT patterns, but patterns used internally to represent scannable streaming expressions are non-recoverable
        recoverable - true if dynamic errors in pattern evaluation should be treated as recoverable (if an error occurs, the pattern is treated as non-matching; a warning is sent to the ErrorListener).
      • handleDynamicError

        protected void handleDynamicError​(XPathException ex,
                                          XPathContext context)
                                   throws XPathException
        Handle a dynamic error occurring in the course of pattern evaluation. The effect depends on (a) whether the error is a circularity error, and (b) whether the pattern is marked as recoverable or not
        ex - the exception
        context - the evaluation context
        XPathException - if the error is found to be non-recoverable
      • simplify

        public Pattern simplify()
                         throws XPathException
        Simplify the pattern by applying any context-independent optimisations. Default implementation does nothing.
        simplify in class Expression
        the simplified expression (or the original if unchanged, or if modified in-situ)
        XPathException - if an error is discovered during expression rewriting
      • typeCheck

        public Pattern typeCheck​(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                 ContextItemStaticInfo contextInfo)
                          throws XPathException
        Type-check the pattern.
        typeCheck in class Expression
        visitor - the expression visitor
        contextInfo - the type of the context item at the point where the pattern is defined. Set to null if it is known that the context item is undefined.
        the optimised Pattern
        XPathException - if an error is discovered during this phase (typically a type error)
      • getDependencies

        public int getDependencies()
        Get the dependencies of the pattern. The only interesting dependencies for a pattern are dependencies on local variables or on user-defined functions. These are analyzed in those patterns containing predicates.
        getDependencies in class Expression
        the dependencies, as a bit-significant mask
      • allocateSlots

        public int allocateSlots​(SlotManager slotManager,
                                 int nextFree)
        Allocate slots to any variables used within the pattern
        slotManager - the slot manager representing the stack frame for local variables
        nextFree - the next slot that is free to be allocated
        the next slot that is free to be allocated
      • isMotionless

        public boolean isMotionless()
        Test whether a pattern is motionless, that is, whether it can be evaluated against a node without repositioning the input stream. This is a necessary condition for patterns used as the match pattern of a streamed template rule.
        true if the pattern is motionless, that is, if it can be evaluated against a streamed node without changing the position in the streamed input file
      • effectiveBooleanValue

        public final boolean effectiveBooleanValue​(XPathContext context)
                                            throws XPathException
        Evaluate a pattern as a boolean expression, returning true if the context item matches the pattern
        effectiveBooleanValue in class PseudoExpression
        context - the evaluation context
        true if the context item matches the pattern
        XPathException - if an error occurs during pattern matching
      • matchesItem

        public final boolean matchesItem​(Item item,
                                         XPathContext context)
                                  throws XPathException
        Determine whether this Pattern matches the given item. This is the main external interface for matching patterns: it calls the matches() method and handles any errors, by signalling a warning and returning false.
        item - The item to be tested against the Pattern
        context - The dynamic context.
        true if the item matches the Pattern, false otherwise
        XPathException - if a non-recoverable error is found matching the pattern. Most errors however result in a warning and a return value of false.
      • matches

        public abstract boolean matches​(Item item,
                                        XPathContext context)
                                 throws XPathException
        Determine whether this Pattern matches the given item. This should be called via matchesItem() to get the XSLT-defined error handling behaviour.

        The method, where required, sets current() to the node being tested.

        item - The item to be tested against the Pattern
        context - The dynamic context.
        true if the node matches the Pattern, false otherwise
        XPathException - if an error occurs while matching the pattern
      • matchesBeneathAnchor

        public boolean matchesBeneathAnchor​(NodeInfo node,
                                            NodeInfo anchor,
                                            XPathContext context)
                                     throws XPathException
        Determine whether this pattern matches a given Node within the subtree rooted at a given anchor node. This method is used when the pattern is used for streaming.
        node - The NodeInfo representing the Element or other node to be tested against the Pattern
        anchor - The anchor node, which must match any AnchorPattern subpattern
        context - The dynamic context. Only relevant if the pattern uses variables, or contains calls on functions such as document() or key().
        true if the node matches the Pattern, false otherwise
        XPathException - if an error occurs while matching the pattern (the caller will usually treat this the same as a false result)
      • selectNodes

        public SequenceIterator selectNodes​(TreeInfo document,
                                            XPathContext context)
                                     throws XPathException
        Select all nodes in a document that match this pattern.
        document - the document
        context - the dynamic evaluation context
        an iterator over the selected nodes in the document.
      • getUType

        public abstract UType getUType()
        Get a UType indicating which kinds of items this Pattern can match.
        a UType indicating all the primitive types of item that the pattern can match.
      • getFingerprint

        public int getFingerprint()
        Determine the name fingerprint of nodes to which this pattern applies. Used for optimisation.
        A fingerprint that the nodes must match, or -1 if it can match multiple fingerprints, or it if matches atomic values
      • getItemType

        public abstract ItemType getItemType()
        Get an ItemType that all the items matching this pattern must satisfy
        getItemType in class PseudoExpression
        an ItemType, as specific as possible, which all the matching items satisfy
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(double priority)
        Set a priority to override the default priority. This is used when the pattern is written in a complex form such as a[true()] justifying a priority of 0.5, but then simplifies down to an NodeTestPattern
        priority - the priority to be used if no explicit priority is given in the template rule
      • getDefaultPriority

        public double getDefaultPriority()
        Determine the default priority to use if this pattern appears as a match pattern for a template with no explicit priority attribute.
        the default priority for the pattern
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Get a string representation of the pattern. This will be in a form similar to the original pattern text, but not necessarily identical. It is not guaranteed to be in legal pattern syntax.
        toString in class Expression
        a representation of the expression as a string
      • reconstruct

        public java.lang.String reconstruct()
        Reconstruct a string representation of the pattern from its compiled form, in cases where the original text is not available
      • convertToTypedPattern

        public Pattern convertToTypedPattern​(java.lang.String val)
                                      throws XPathException
        Convert the pattern to a typed pattern, in which an element name is treated as schema-element(N)
        val - either "strict" or "lax" depending on the value of xsl:mode/@typed
        either the original pattern unchanged, or a new pattern as the result of the conversion
        XPathException - if the pattern cannot be converted
      • toPattern

        public Pattern toPattern​(Configuration config)
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Convert this expression to an equivalent XSLT pattern
        toPattern in class Expression
        config - the Saxon configuration
        the equivalent pattern
      • export

        public abstract void export​(ExpressionPresenter presenter)
                             throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree is written to the supplied output destination.
        Specified by:
        export in interface ExportAgent
        Specified by:
        export in class Expression
        presenter - the expression presenter used to display the structure
        XPathException - if the export fails, for example if an expression is found that won't work in the target environment.
      • copy

        public abstract Pattern copy​(RebindingMap rebindings)
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Copy an expression. This makes a deep copy.
        Specified by:
        copy in class Expression
        rebindings - a mutable list of (old binding, new binding) pairs that is used to update the bindings held in any local variable references that are copied.
        the copy of the original expression
      • optimize

        public Pattern optimize​(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                ContextItemStaticInfo contextInfo)
                         throws XPathException
        Perform optimisation of an expression and its subexpressions. This is the third and final phase of static optimization.

        This method is called after all references to functions and variables have been resolved to the declaration of the function or variable, and after all type checking has been done.

        optimize in class Expression
        visitor - an expression visitor
        contextInfo - the static type of "." at the point where this expression is invoked. The parameter is set to null if it is known statically that the context item will be undefined. If the type of the context item is not known statically, the argument is set to Type.ITEM_TYPE
        the original expression, rewritten if appropriate to optimize execution
        XPathException - if an error is discovered during this phase (typically a type error)
      • getOriginalText

        public java.lang.String getOriginalText()
        Get the original text of the pattern as written, if available. The result may be null if the original text is not available, for example where the pattern is constructed programmatically
        the original text of the pattern if available, or null otherwise
      • toShortString

        public java.lang.String toShortString()
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Produce a short string identifying the expression for use in error messages
        toShortString in class Expression
        a short string, sufficient to identify the expression