Class DeterminizedState

  extended by com.saxonica.schema.fsa.AutomatonState
      extended by com.saxonica.schema.fsa.DeterminizedState
All Implemented Interfaces:
State, Serializable

public class DeterminizedState
extends AutomatonState

A state in a determinized finite state machine

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.AutomatonState
EMPTY_EDGE_ARRAY, wildcardEdges
Constructor Summary
DeterminizedState(FiniteStateMachine machine)
          Create a new state
Method Summary
 IntSet getProvenance()
          Get the provenance of a state in a determinized finite state machine.
 void setProvenance(IntSet provenance)
          Set the provenance of a state in a determinized finite state machine.
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.AutomatonState
addSpecificTransition, addWildcardTransition, display, displayLambdaTransitions, displayState, getEdges, getMaxTransition, getStateNumber, getTransition, getWildcardEdges, isConditionallyFinalState, isFinalState, listAllowedElements, requiresCounter, serialize, setFinalState, setLimits, setMaxTransition
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DeterminizedState(FiniteStateMachine machine)
Create a new state

machine - the finite state machine to which this state belongs
Method Detail


public void setProvenance(IntSet provenance)
Set the provenance of a state in a determinized finite state machine. This is the set of corresponding states in the non-determinized FSA

provenance - the set of states in the non-deterministic FSA to which this state in the deterministic FSA corresponds. May be set to null when the information is no longer needed (specifically, once construction is complete).


public IntSet getProvenance()
Get the provenance of a state in a determinized finite state machine. This is the set of corresponding states in the non-determinized FSA

the set of states in the non-deterministic FSA to which this state in the may be null is ininitially null indicating unknown or not relevant.

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