Class BreakInstr

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
      extended by net.sf.saxon.instruct.Instruction
          extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.BreakInstr
All Implemented Interfaces:, javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator, LocationProvider, SaxonLocator, EvaluableItem, SequenceIterable, TailCallReturner, InstructionInfo, org.xml.sax.Locator

public class BreakInstr
extends Instruction

A compiled saxon:break instruction. The effect of executing this instruction is to register with the dynamic context that a tail call on a pseudo-function break() has been made; the enclosing saxon:iterate loop detects this tail call request and uses it as a signal to terminate execution of the loop.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static StructuredQName SAXON_BREAK
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
Constructor Summary
          Create the instruction
Method Summary
 Expression copy()
          Copy an expression.
 boolean createsNewNodes()
          Determine whether this instruction creates new nodes.
 void explain(ExpressionPresenter out)
          Diagnostic print of expression structure.
 TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context)
          ProcessLeavingTail: called to do the real work of this instruction.
 Expression simplify(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
          Simplify an expression.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.instruct.Instruction
assembleParams, assembleTunnelParams, computeCardinality, computeSpecialProperties, dynamicError, evaluateAsString, evaluateItem, getConstructType, getImplementationMethod, getInstructionNameCode, getItemType, getSourceLocator, isXSLT, iterate, process, promote, promoteInst
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
addToPathMap, adoptChildExpression, checkForUpdatingSubexpressions, checkPermittedContents, computeDependencies, computeStaticProperties, display, doPromotion, dynamicError, effectiveBooleanValue, evaluatePendingUpdates, explain, findParentOf, getCardinality, getColumnNumber, getColumnNumber, getContainer, getDependencies, getExecutable, getHostLanguage, getIntrinsicDependencies, getLineNumber, getLineNumber, getLocationId, getLocationProvider, getObjectName, getProperties, getProperty, getPublicId, getSlotsUsed, getSpecialProperties, getSystemId, getSystemId, hasLoopingSubexpression, implementsStaticTypeCheck, isUpdatingExpression, iterateEvents, iterateSubExpressions, markTailFunctionCalls, optimize, replaceSubExpression, resetLocalStaticProperties, setContainer, setFiltered, setFlattened, setLocationId, staticTypeCheck, suppressValidation, toString, typeCheck, typeError
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
getColumnNumber, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getSystemId

Field Detail


public static StructuredQName SAXON_BREAK
Constructor Detail


public BreakInstr()
Create the instruction

Method Detail


public Expression simplify(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
                    throws XPathException
Description copied from class: Instruction
Simplify an expression. This performs any static optimization (by rewriting the expression as a different expression). The default implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
simplify in class Instruction
visitor - an expression visitor
the simplified expression
XPathException - if an error is discovered during expression rewriting


public Expression copy()
Description copied from class: Expression
Copy an expression. This makes a deep copy.

Specified by:
copy in class Expression
the copy of the original expression


public boolean createsNewNodes()
Description copied from class: Instruction
Determine whether this instruction creates new nodes. This implementation returns a default value of false

createsNewNodes in class Instruction
true if the instruction creates new nodes (or if it can't be proved that it doesn't)


public TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context)
                            throws XPathException
Description copied from class: Instruction
ProcessLeavingTail: called to do the real work of this instruction. This method must be implemented in each subclass. The results of the instruction are written to the current Receiver, which can be obtained via the Controller.

Specified by:
processLeavingTail in interface TailCallReturner
Specified by:
processLeavingTail in class Instruction
context - The dynamic context of the transformation, giving access to the current node, the current variables, etc.
null if the instruction has completed execution; or a TailCall indicating a function call or template call that is delegated to the caller, to be made after the stack has been unwound so as to save stack space.


public void explain(ExpressionPresenter out)
Description copied from class: Expression
Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree is written to the supplied output destination.

Specified by:
explain in class Expression
out - the expression presenter used to display the structure

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