Class PathSelection

  extended by com.saxonica.schema.PathSelection
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PathSelection
extends java.lang.Object
implements Selection,

A PathSelection is a Selection that applies a NodeTest to each element between the context element and the node being tested, and returns true if they all match. This class is used internally in the validation of instance documents against uniqueness and identity constraints; it is not intended for use by user applications.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.saxonica.schema.Selection
Constructor Summary
PathSelection(NodeTest[] tests, boolean anchored, NodeTest attributeTest, Expression xpath)
          Create a PathSelection - a limited form of XPath expression that can be evaluated on-the-fly
Method Summary
 boolean canMatchAttributes()
          Determine whether the selection can match attribute nodes
 boolean canMatchElementContent()
          Determin whether the selection can match element content
 void displayExpression(ExpressionPresenter out)
          Diagnostic print of expression structure.
 NodeTest getAttributeTest()
          Get the attribute test at the end of the path, if there is one
 ItemType getItemType()
          Determine the item type of the nodes matched by the last NodeTest
 ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th)
          Return the type of the nodes selected by this selection
 boolean matchesAttribute(int fingerprint)
          Determine whether a given attribute matches the Selection
 int matchesElement(int[] stack, int length, int contextPosition)
          Determine whether the selector matches a given element.
 java.lang.String typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType)
          Check that the selection makes sense in the context of a given ItemType.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathSelection(NodeTest[] tests,
                     boolean anchored,
                     NodeTest attributeTest,
                     Expression xpath)
Create a PathSelection - a limited form of XPath expression that can be evaluated on-the-fly

tests - an array of node tests, representing a sequence of axis steps; these are all tests on the child axis, except possibly the last, which is a test on the attribute axis if attributeTest is true
anchored - if true, the first test applies to children of the root node; if false, it applies to descendants of the root node
attributeTest - if true, the last test applies to attributes rather than elements.
xpath - An XPath expression equivalent to the PathSelection. This is never evaluated, but is used for type analysis and diagnostic display.
Method Detail


public int matchesElement(int[] stack,
                          int length,
                          int contextPosition)
Determine whether the selector matches a given element. The element is identified by an array of integers representing the fingerprints of the names of this element and each of its ancestors, in document order (i.e., root element first, matched element last).

Specified by:
matchesElement in interface Selection
stack - the array of name fingerprints
length - the effective length of the array; any items beyond this position are ignored
contextPosition - the position in this array of the context element for the selection.
true if the element matches


public NodeTest getAttributeTest()
Get the attribute test at the end of the path, if there is one

the attribute test if there is one, or null otherwise


public boolean matchesAttribute(int fingerprint)
Determine whether a given attribute matches the Selection

Specified by:
matchesAttribute in interface Selection
fingerprint - the integer nameCode of an attribute
true if it matches, false if it does not match


public boolean canMatchAttributes()
Determine whether the selection can match attribute nodes

Specified by:
canMatchAttributes in interface Selection
true if the selection can match attributes


public boolean canMatchElementContent()
Determin whether the selection can match element content

Specified by:
canMatchElementContent in interface Selection
true if the selection can match elements


public ItemType getItemType()
Determine the item type of the nodes matched by the last NodeTest

the item type of the selected nodes


public java.lang.String typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                  ItemType contextItemType)
Check that the selection makes sense in the context of a given ItemType. Return null if the selection is OK, otherwise an error message

Specified by:
typeCheck in interface Selection
visitor - the expression visitor
contextItemType - the type of the context item
an error messge if the expression is invalid


public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th)
Return the type of the nodes selected by this selection

Specified by:
getItemType in interface Selection
th - the type hierarchy cache
the item type of the selected nodes


public void displayExpression(ExpressionPresenter out)
Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree is written to the supplied output destination.

Specified by:
displayExpression in interface Selection
out - the place where the structure is to be written

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