Package net.sf.saxon.instruct

This package provides classes for the compiled representation of the various elements and other instructions found in an XSLT stylesheet.


Interface Summary
Debugger This interface may be implemented by an external debugging tool
TailCall Interface representing a Tail Call.
TailCallReturner This interface represents an expression that is capable of being processed leaving tail calls for the calling instruction to deal with.

Class Summary
AnalyzeString An xsl:analyze-string element in the stylesheet.
ApplyImports An xsl:apply-imports element in the stylesheet
ApplyTemplates An instruction representing an xsl:apply-templates element in the stylesheet
Assign saxon:assign element in stylesheet.
AttributeSet The compiled form of an xsl:attribute-set element in the stylesheet.
Bindery The Bindery class holds information about variables and their values.
Block Implements an imaginary xsl:block instruction which simply evaluates its contents.
BlockIterator Iterate over the instructions in the Block, concatenating the result of each instruction into a single combined sequence.
CallTemplate Instruction representing an xsl:call-template element in the stylesheet.
Choose Compiled representation of an xsl:choose or xsl:if element in the stylesheet.
Comment An instruction representing an xsl:comment element in the stylesheet.
ComputedAttribute An instruction derived from an xsl:attribute element in stylesheet, or from an attribute constructor in XQuery, in cases where the attribute name is not known statically
ComputedElement An instruction representing an xsl:element element in an XSLT stylesheet, or a computed element constructor in XQuery.
Copy Handler for xsl:copy elements in stylesheet.
CopyOf An xsl:copy-of element in the stylesheet.
Doctype A saxon:doctype element in the stylesheet.
DocumentInstr An instruction to create a document node.
DummyNamespaceResolver A dummy namespace resolver used when validating QName-valued attributes written to the result tree.
ElementCreator An instruction that creates an element node.
Executable A compiled stylesheet or a query in executable form.
FixedAttribute An instruction derived from an xsl:attribute element in stylesheet, or from an attribute constructor in XQuery.
FixedElement An instruction that creates an element node whose name is known statically.
ForEach Handler for xsl:for-each elements in a stylesheet.
ForEachGroup Handler for xsl:for-each-group elements in stylesheet.
GeneralVariable This class defines common behaviour across xsl:variable, xsl:param, and xsl:with-param; also saxon:assign
GlobalParam The compiled form of a global xsl:param element in the stylesheet or an external variable declared in the prolog of a Query.
GlobalParameterSet A GlobalParameterSet is a set of parameters supplied when invoking a stylesheet or query.
GlobalVariable A compiled global variable in a stylesheet or query.
Instruction Abstract superclass for all instructions in the compiled stylesheet.
InstructionDetails Details about an instruction, used when reporting errors and when tracing
LocalParam The compiled form of an xsl:param element within a template in an XSLT stylesheet.
LocalVariable Handler for local xsl:variable elements in stylesheet.
LocationMap A LocationMap allocates integer codes to (systemId, lineNumber) pairs.
Message An xsl:message element in the stylesheet.
Namespace An xsl:namespace element in the stylesheet.
NextMatch An xsl:next-match element in the stylesheet
NumberInstruction An xsl:number element in the stylesheet.
ParameterSet A ParameterSet is a set of parameters supplied when calling a template.
ParentNodeConstructor An abstract class to act as a common parent for instructions that create element nodes and document nodes.
Procedure This object represents the compiled form of a user-written function, template, attribute-set, etc (the source can be either an XSLT stylesheet function or an XQuery function).
ProcessingInstruction An xsl:processing-instruction element in the stylesheet, or a processing-instruction constructor in a query
QuerySimpleContentConstructor This class implements the rules for an XQuery simple content constructor, which are used in constructing the string value of an attribute node, text node, comment node, etc, from the value of the select expression or the contained sequence constructor.
ResultDocument The compiled form of an xsl:result-document element in the stylesheet.
SavedNamespaceContext An object representing a list of Namespaces.
SimpleContentConstructor This class implements the rules for an XSLT (or XQuery) simple content constructor, which are used in constructing the string value of an attribute node, text node, comment node, etc, from the value of the select expression or the contained sequence constructor.
SimpleNodeConstructor Common superclass for XSLT instructions whose content template produces a text value: xsl:attribute, xsl:comment, xsl:processing-instruction, xsl:namespace, and xsl:text, and their XQuery equivalents
SlotManager A SlotManager supports functions, templates, etc: specifically, any executable code that requires a stack frame containing local variables.
Template An xsl:template element in the style sheet.
TraceExpression A subclass of TraceWrapper used to trace expressions in XPath and XQuery.
TraceInstruction A run-time instruction which wraps a real instruction and traces its entry and exit to the TraceListener
TraceWrapper This class is a tracing wrapper around any expression: it delivers the same result as the wrapped expression, but traces its evaluation to a TraceListener
UseAttributeSets This instruction corresponds to a use-attribute-sets attribute on a literal result element, xsl:element, or xsl:copy.
UserFunction This object represents the compiled form of a user-written function (the source can be either an XSLT stylesheet function or an XQuery function).
UserFunctionParameter Run-time object representing a formal argument to a user-defined function
ValueOf An xsl:value-of element in the stylesheet.
While Handler for saxon:while elements in stylesheet.
WithParam An instruction derived from a xsl:with-param element in the stylesheet.

Exception Summary
TerminationException An exception thrown by xsl:message terminate="yes".

Package net.sf.saxon.instruct Description

This package provides classes for the compiled representation of the various elements and other instructions found in an XSLT stylesheet. The same constructs are also used for evaluating similar constructs in XQuery, in particular, expressions that construct new nodes.

Instances of these classes are constructed when the stylesheet or query is compiled. In the case of XSLT, the objects representing the compile-time stylesheet (in package can then be discarded and garbage-collected.

The most important class is Instruction, which represents an XSLT Instruction. In most cases these instructions have a one-to-one relationship with instructions in the original source XSLT stylesheet, and the names of the subclasses (for example ApplyImports, ApplyTemplates, Choose) reflect this.

In XSLT 1.0, XSLT instructions and XPath expressions were quite distinct, and were evaluated in different ways: XSLT instructions in "push" mode (they were described as "writing to the result tree"), and XPath expressions in "pull" mode (reading from the source tree). This distinction is no longer present in the XSLT 2.0 processing model, and the boundary between the Instruction and Expression classes is therefore a rather fuzzy one. Both instructions and expressions can now be evaluated in either push or pull mode. Flow-of-control constructs such as conditional expressions and FOR expressions are evaluated in either mode depending on their parent expression.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
9 February 2005

Copyright (C) Michael H. Kay. All rights reserved.