Class XQueryFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator, Declaration, Location, org.xml.sax.Locator

    public class XQueryFunction
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Declaration, Location
    A user-defined function in an XQuery module
    • Constructor Detail

      • XQueryFunction

        public XQueryFunction()
        Create an XQuery function
    • Method Detail

      • getPackageData

        public PackageData getPackageData()
        Get data about the unit of compilation (XQuery module, XSLT package) to which this container belongs
        the package information
      • setFunctionName

        public void setFunctionName​(StructuredQName name)
        Set the name of the function
        name - the name of the function as a StructuredQName object
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(UserFunctionParameter argument)
        Add an argument to the list of arguments
        argument - the formal declaration of the argument to be added
      • setResultType

        public void setResultType​(SequenceType resultType)
        Set the required result type of the function
        resultType - the declared result type of the function
      • setBody

        public void setBody​(Expression body)
        Set the body of the function
        body - the expression forming the body of the function
      • getBody

        public Expression getBody()
        Get the body of the function
        the expression making up the body of the function
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(Location location)
        Set the location of the source declaration of the function
        location - the source location
      • getFunctionName

        public StructuredQName getFunctionName()
        Get the name of the function as a structured QName
        the name of the function as a structured QName
      • getDisplayName

        public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
        Get the name of the function for display in error messages
        the name of the function as a lexical QName
      • getIdentificationKey

        public SymbolicName getIdentificationKey()
        Get an identifying key for this function, which incorporates the URI and local part of the function name plus the arity
        an identifying key
      • getIdentificationKey

        public static SymbolicName getIdentificationKey​(StructuredQName qName,
                                                        int arity)
        Construct what the identification key would be for a function with given URI, local name, and arity
        qName - the name of the function
        arity - the number of arguments
        an identifying key
      • getResultType

        public SequenceType getResultType()
        Get the result type of the function
        the declared result type
      • setStaticContext

        public void setStaticContext​(QueryModule env)
        Set the static context for this function
        env - the static context for the module in which the function is declared
      • getStaticContext

        public StaticContext getStaticContext()
        Get the static context for this function
        the static context for the module in which the function is declared
      • getArgumentTypes

        public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes()
        Get the declared types of the arguments of this function
        an array, holding the types of the arguments in order
      • getParameterDefinitions

        public UserFunctionParameter[] getParameterDefinitions()
        Get the definitions of the arguments to this function
        an array of UserFunctionParameter objects, one for each argument
      • getNumberOfArguments

        public int getNumberOfArguments()
        Get the arity of the function
        the arity (the number of arguments)
      • registerReference

        public void registerReference​(UserFunctionResolvable ufc)
        Register a call on this function
        ufc - a user function call that references this function.
      • setMemoFunction

        public void setMemoFunction​(boolean isMemoFunction)
        Set that this is, or is not, a memo function. A memo function remembers the results of calls on the function so that the a subsequent call with the same arguments simply look up the result
        isMemoFunction - true if this is a memo function.
      • isMemoFunction

        public boolean isMemoFunction()
        Find out whether this is a memo function
        true if this is a memo function
      • setUpdating

        public void setUpdating​(boolean isUpdating)
        Set whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)
        isUpdating - true if this is an updating function
      • isUpdating

        public boolean isUpdating()
        Ask whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)
        true if this is an updating function
      • setAnnotations

        public void setAnnotations​(AnnotationList annotations)
        Set the annotations on this function
        annotations - the annotations, indexed by annotation name
      • getAnnotations

        public AnnotationList getAnnotations()
        Get the annotations defined on this function
        the list of annotations defined on this function
      • hasAnnotation

        public boolean hasAnnotation​(StructuredQName name)
        Ask whether the function has an annotation with a particular name
        name - the name of the required annotation
        true if the function has an annotation with this name
      • isPrivate

        public boolean isPrivate()
        Ask whether this is a private function (as defined in XQuery 3.0)
        true if this is a private function
      • compile

        public void compile()
                     throws XPathException
        Compile this function to create a run-time definition that can be interpreted (note, this has nothing to do with Java code generation)
        XPathException - if errors are found
      • optimize

        public void optimize()
                      throws XPathException
        Optimize the body of this function
        XPathException - if execution fails, for example because the function is updating and contains constructs not allowed in an updating function, or vice-versa.
      • fixupReferences

        public void fixupReferences()
        Fix up references to this function
      • checkReferences

        public void checkReferences​(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
                             throws XPathException
        Type-check references to this function
        visitor - the expression visitor
        XPathException - if type errors are found
      • explain

        public void explain​(ExpressionPresenter out)
                     throws XPathException
        Produce diagnostic output showing the compiled and optimized expression tree for a function
        out - the destination to be used
        XPathException - if things go wrong
      • getUserFunction

        public UserFunction getUserFunction()
        Get the callable compiled function contained within this XQueryFunction definition.
        the compiled function object
      • getObjectName

        public StructuredQName getObjectName()
        Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.
        the function name
      • getSystemId

        public java.lang.String getSystemId()
        Get the system identifier (URI) of the source module containing the instruction. This will generally be an absolute URI. If the system identifier is not known, the method may return null. In some cases, for example where XML external entities are used, the correct system identifier is not always retained.
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface Location
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface org.xml.sax.Locator
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
        the system ID, or null if the information is not available.
      • getLineNumber

        public int getLineNumber()
        Get the line number of the instruction in the source stylesheet module. If this is not known, or if the instruction is an artificial one that does not relate to anything in the source code, the value returned may be -1.
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface Location
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface org.xml.sax.Locator
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
        the line number, or -1 if the information is not available.
      • getPublicId

        public java.lang.String getPublicId()
        Return the public identifier for the current document event.
        Specified by:
        getPublicId in interface Location
        Specified by:
        getPublicId in interface org.xml.sax.Locator
        Specified by:
        getPublicId in interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
        A string containing the public identifier, or null if none is available.
        See Also:
      • getColumnNumber

        public int getColumnNumber()
        Return the column number
        Specified by:
        getColumnNumber in interface Location
        Specified by:
        getColumnNumber in interface org.xml.sax.Locator
        Specified by:
        getColumnNumber in interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
        The column number, or -1 if none is available.
        See Also:
      • saveLocation

        public Location saveLocation()
        Get an immutable copy of this Location object. By default Location objects may be mutable, so they should not be saved for later use. The result of this operation holds the same location information, but in an immutable form.
        Specified by:
        saveLocation in interface Location
        an immutable copy (which may be the original object, if it is already immutable)
      • getNamespaceResolver

        public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()
        Get the namespace context of the instruction. This will not always be available, in which case the method returns null.
        a resolver representing the namespace context for the function
      • getProperty

        public java.lang.Object getProperty​(java.lang.String name)
        Get the value of a particular property of the instruction. Properties of XSLT instructions are generally known by the name of the stylesheet attribute that defines them.
        name - The name of the required property
        The value of the requested property, or null if the property is not available
      • getProperties

        public java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> getProperties()
        Get an iterator over all the properties available. The values returned by the iterator will be of type String, and each string can be supplied as input to the getProperty() method to retrieve the value of the property.
        the properties available
      • getHostLanguage

        public HostLanguage getHostLanguage()
        Get the host language (XSLT, XQuery, XPath) used to implement the code in this container