Class ParentNodeImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ParentNodeImpl

        public ParentNodeImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getSequenceNumber

        protected final long getSequenceNumber()
        Get the node sequence number (in document order). Sequence numbers are monotonic but not consecutive. In the current implementation, parent nodes (elements and document nodes) have a zero least-significant word, while namespaces, attributes, text nodes, comments, and PIs have the top word the same as their owner and the bottom half reflecting their relative position. For nodes added by XQuery Update, the sequence number is -1L
        getSequenceNumber in class NodeImpl
        the sequence number if there is one, or -1L otherwise.
      • getRawSequenceNumber

        protected final int getRawSequenceNumber()
      • setRawSequenceNumber

        protected final void setRawSequenceNumber​(int seq)
      • setChildren

        protected final void setChildren​(java.lang.Object children)
        Set the children of this node
        children - null if there are no children, a single NodeInfo if there is one child, an array of NodeInfo if there are multiple children
      • hasChildNodes

        public final boolean hasChildNodes()
        Determine if the node has any children.
        Specified by:
        hasChildNodes in interface NodeInfo
        hasChildNodes in class NodeImpl
        true if the node has any children, false if the node has no children.
      • children

        public java.lang.Iterable<NodeImpl> children()
        Return the sequence of children of this node, as an Iterable. This method is designed to allow iteration over the children in a Java "for each" loop, in the form for (NodeInfo child : children()) {...}
        the children of the node, as an Iterable.
      • getNumberOfChildren

        public final int getNumberOfChildren()
        Determine how many children the node has
        the number of children of this parent node
      • iterateChildren

        protected final AxisIterator iterateChildren​(java.util.function.Predicate<? super NodeInfo> test)
        Get an enumeration of the children of this node
        test - A NodeTest to be satisfied by the child nodes, or null if all child node are to be returned
        an iterator over the children of this node
      • getLastChild

        public final NodeImpl getLastChild()
        Get the last child node of the element
        getLastChild in class NodeImpl
        the last child of the element, or null if there are no children
      • getNthChild

        protected final NodeImpl getNthChild​(int n)
        Get the nth child node of the element (numbering from 0)
        n - identifies the required child
        the last child of the element, or null if there is no n'th child
      • removeChild

        protected void removeChild​(NodeImpl child)
        Remove a given child
        child - the child to be removed
      • getStringValue

        public java.lang.String getStringValue()
        Return the string-value of the node, that is, the concatenation of the character content of all descendent elements and text nodes.
        the accumulated character content of the element, including descendant elements.
        See Also:
      • addChild

        protected void addChild​(NodeImpl node,
                                int index)
        Add a child node to this node. For system use only. Note: normalizing adjacent text nodes is the responsibility of the caller.
        node - the node to be added as a child of this node. This must be an instance of NodeImpl. It will be modified as a result of this call (by setting its parent property and sibling position)
        index - the position where the child is to be added
      • insertChildren

        public void insertChildren​(NodeInfo[] source,
                                   boolean atStart,
                                   boolean inherit)
        Insert a sequence of nodes as children of this node.

        This method takes no action unless the target node is a document node or element node. It also takes no action in respect of any supplied nodes that are not elements, text nodes, comments, or processing instructions.

        The supplied nodes will form the new children. Adjacent text nodes will be merged, and zero-length text nodes removed. The supplied nodes may be modified in situ, for example to change their parent property and to add namespace bindings, or they may be copied, at the discretion of the implementation.

        Specified by:
        insertChildren in interface MutableNodeInfo
        insertChildren in class NodeImpl
        source - the nodes to be inserted. The implementation determines what implementation classes of node it will accept; this implementation will accept text, comment, and processing instruction nodes belonging to any implementation, but elements must be instances of ElementImpl. The supplied nodes will be modified in situ, for example to change their parent property and to add namespace bindings, if they are instances of ElementImpl; otherwise they will be copied. If the nodes are copied, then on return the supplied source array will contain the copy rather than the original.
        atStart - true if the new nodes are to be inserted before existing children; false if they are to be inserted after existing children
        inherit - true if the inserted nodes are to inherit the namespaces of their new parent; false if such namespaces are to be undeclared
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied nodes use a node implementation that this implementation does not accept.
      • replaceChildrenAt

        protected void replaceChildrenAt​(NodeInfo[] source,
                                         int index,
                                         boolean inherit)
        Replace child at a given index by new children
        source - the children to be inserted
        index - the position at which they are to be inserted: 0 indicates replacement of the first child, replacement of the second child, and so on. The effect is undefined if index is out of range
        inherit - set to true if the new child elements are to inherit the in-scope namespaces of their new parent
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any of the replacement nodes is not an element, text, comment, or processing instruction node
      • compact

        public void compact​(int size)
        Compact the space used by this node
        size - the number of actual children