Class StandardDiagnostics

    • Field Detail


        public int MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH
        Variable defining an absolute limit on the length of an error message; any message longer than this will be truncated by the wordWrap(String) method. The value can be assigned. Default value is 1000.

        public int MAX_MESSAGE_LINE_LENGTH
        Variable defining a threshold for word-wrapping a message. If a message is longer than this, then the wordWrap(String) method will attempt to break it into shorter lines. The value can be assigned. Default value is 100.

        public int MIN_MESSAGE_LINE_LENGTH
        Variable defining a minimum length for parts of a word-wrapped a message. The wordWrap(String) method will not split a message line if it would result in a line shorter than this. The value can be assigned. Default value is 10.

        Variable defining a target line length for messages. If word-wrapping takes place, then it will take place at the last space character found before this column position. The value can be assigned. Default value is 90.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StandardDiagnostics

        public StandardDiagnostics()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocationMessageText

        public java.lang.String getLocationMessageText​(javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator loc)
        Construct a message identifying the location of an error
        loc - the location of the error
        a message describing the location
      • getInstructionName

        public java.lang.String getInstructionName​(Instruction inst)
        Extract a name or phrase identifying the instruction at which an error occurred. This default implementation invokes the static method getInstructionNameDefault(Instruction).
        inst - the instruction in question
        the name or description of the instruction, in user-meaningful terms
      • getInstructionNameDefault

        public static java.lang.String getInstructionNameDefault​(Instruction inst)
        Extract a name or phrase identifying the instruction at which an error occurred. This default implementation uses terminology that is neutral between XQuery and XSLT, for example "text node constructor" in preference to "xsl:text".
        inst - the instruction in question
        the name or description of the instruction, in user-meaningful terms
      • printStackTrace

        public void printStackTrace​(XPathContext context,
                                    Logger out,
                                    int level)
        Print a stack trace to a specified output destination
        context - the XPath dynamic execution context (which holds the head of a linked list of context objects, representing the execution stack)
        out - the print stream to which the stack trace will be output
        level - the level of detail: 0=none, 1=name and location of function/template, 2=values of variables
      • showOriginator

        protected java.lang.String showOriginator​(ContextOriginator originator)
        Produce text identifying a construct that originates the context for an error
        originator - the ContextOriginator responsible for creating a new context
        message text (suitable for use in a phrase such as "called by XXX") for inclusion in an error message.
      • formatListOfOffendingNodes

        protected java.lang.String formatListOfOffendingNodes​(ValidationFailure failure)
        A ValidationFailure relating to a failing assertion contains a (possibly empty) list of nodes responsible for the failure. This may be the node to which the assertion applies, or in the case of an assertion in the form every $x in XX satisfies P it may be the node in XX for which P was not satisfied. This method converts this list of nodes into a string suitable for inclusion in error messages, typically as a complete sentence. If the list of nodes is empty, the returned string should normally be empty.

        The default implementation displays a message over several lines, starting with "Nodes for which the assertion fails:", and continuing with one line per node. In the typical case where the nodes are elements, subsequent lines will take the form "element(N) on line L column C of file.xml" if the location is not, or "at x/y/z" (where x/y/z is a path to the node) otherwise.

        The method is provided so that it can be overridden in a subclass.

        failure - the validation failure being reported.
        a string describing the list of nodes contributing to the failure of an assertion.
      • abbreviateLocationURI

        public java.lang.String abbreviateLocationURI​(java.lang.String uri)
        Abbreviate a URI for use in diagnostics.

        This default implementation invokes the static method abbreviateLocationURIDefault(String).

        This method is intended for use only for location URIs, not for namespace URIs.

        uri - the URI to be abbreviated
        the abbreviated URI
      • abbreviateLocationURIDefault

        public static java.lang.String abbreviateLocationURIDefault​(java.lang.String uri)
        Abbreviate a URI for use in diagnostics.

        This default implementation displays the part of the URI after the last slash.

        This method is intended for use only for location URIs, not for namespace URIs.

        uri - the URI to be abbreviated
        the abbreviated URI
      • wordWrap

        public java.lang.String wordWrap​(java.lang.String message)
        Wordwrap an error message into lines of TARGET_MESSAGE_LINE_LENGTH characters or less (if possible). Note that existing newlines within the message will be retained.
        message - the message to be word-wrapped
        the message after applying word-wrapping
      • expandSpecialCharacters

        public java.lang.CharSequence expandSpecialCharacters​(java.lang.CharSequence in,
                                                              int threshold)
        Expand any special characters appearing in a message. In the default implementation, special characters will be output as themselves, followed by a hex codepoint in the form [xHHHHH]: for example ยง[xA7]
        in - the message to be expanded
        threshold - the codepoint above which characters are considered special.
        the expanded message