Class SQLTableFn

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Callable, Function, GroundedValue, Item, Sequence

    public class SQLTableFn
    extends SystemFunction
    This class implements the sql:table() extension function. Arguments:
    1. The connection
    2. The table name

    The result is conceptually a sequence of maps, one for each selected row: the maps hold one entry for each requested column, with the corresponding value from the table.

    However, the result is virtual; predicates applied to this sequence of maps are (wherever possible) converted to SQL queries, so that only the required rows are fetched from the database.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLTableFn

        public SQLTableFn()
    • Method Detail

      • call

        public Sequence call​(XPathContext context,
                             Sequence[] arguments)
                      throws XPathException
        Description copied from interface: Function
        Invoke the function
        context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
        arguments - the actual arguments to be supplied
        the result of invoking the function
        XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs within the function