Class Extensions

  • public class Extensions
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class implements functions that are supplied as standard with SAXON, but which are not defined in the XSLT or XPath specifications.

    To invoke these functions, use a function call of the form prefix:name() where name is the method name, and prefix maps to the URI

    • Method Detail

      • pauseTracing

        public static void pauseTracing​(XPathContext c)
        Switch tracing off. Only works if tracing was enabled at compile time.
        c - the XPath dynamic context
      • resumeTracing

        public static void resumeTracing​(XPathContext c)
        Resume tracing. Only works if tracing was originally enabled but is currently paused.
        c - the XPath dynamic context
      • lineNumber

        public static One<IntegerValue> lineNumber​(XPathContext c)
        Return the line number of the context node.
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        the line number, or -1 if not available
      • lineNumber

        public static One<IntegerValue> lineNumber​(ZeroOrOne<NodeInfo> node)
        Return the line number of the specified node.
        node - the node whose line number is required
        the line number of the node. This is only available if line numbering was switched on.
      • columnNumber

        public static One<IntegerValue> columnNumber​(XPathContext c)
        Return the column number of the context node. This is only available if line numbering has been enabled for the containing tree
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        the column number, or -1 if not available
      • columnNumber

        public static One<IntegerValue> columnNumber​(ZeroOrOne<NodeInfo> node)
        Return the column number of the specified node.
        node - the node whose column number is required
        the column number of the node. This is only available if line numbering was switched on.
      • tunnelParams

        public static One<MapItem> tunnelParams​(XPathContext context)
                                         throws XPathException
        Get the values of all tunnel parameters (whether declared in the current template or not). Returns a value of type map(xs:QName, item()*).
      • discardDocument

        public static ZeroOrOne<NodeInfo> discardDocument​(XPathContext context,
                                                          ZeroOrOne<NodeInfo> document)
        Remove a document from the document pool. The effect is that the document becomes eligible for garbage collection, allowing memory to be released when processing of the document has finished. The downside is that a subsequent call on document() with the same URI causes the document to be reloaded and reparsed, and the new nodes will have different node identity from the old.
        context - the evaluation context (supplied implicitly by the call mechanism)
        document - the document to be released from the document pool
        the document that was released. This allows a call such as select="saxon:discard-document(document('a.xml'))"
      • hasSameNodes

        public static One<BooleanValue> hasSameNodes​(ZeroOrMore<NodeInfo> p1,
                                                     ZeroOrMore<NodeInfo> p2)
                                              throws XPathException
        Determine whether two node sequence contain the same sequences of nodes, in the same order, compared by identity
        p1 - The first node-set. The iterator must be correctly ordered.
        p2 - The second node-set. The iterator must be correctly ordered.
        true if p1 and p2 contain the same set of nodes
      • path

        public static One<StringValue> path​(XPathContext context,
                                            One<NodeInfo> node)
        Return an XPath expression that identifies a specified node
        node - the node whose path is required
        a path expression giving a path from the root of the tree to the specified node
      • path

        public static One<StringValue> path​(XPathContext c)
                                     throws XPathException
        Return an XPath expression that identifies the current node
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        a path expression giving a path from the root of the tree to the context node
      • typeAnnotation

        public static ZeroOrOne<QNameValue> typeAnnotation​(XPathContext context,
                                                           ZeroOrOne<Item> value)
        Determine the value of the type annotation of a node or an atomic value
        context - the XPath dynamic context
        value - the node or atomic value whose type annotation is required
        the type annotation or type label as a QName; null in the case of text nodes, comments, processing instructions
      • type

        public static ZeroOrOne<Function> type​(ZeroOrOne<Item> value)
        Determine the type annotation of a node or an atomic value in the form of a function item representing the type definition as a schema component, allowing navigation to other related schema components.
        value - the node or atomic value whose type annotation is required
        the type annotation or type label as a QName; null in the case of text nodes, comments, processing instructions
      • getContext

        public static XPathContext getContext​(XPathContext c)
        Return the XPathContext object
        c - the context object
        the context object (this looks crazy, but it works given that the function is called from an XPath environment where the context is supplied as an implicit argument)
      • getController

        public static Controller getController​(XPathContext c)
        Return the Controller object
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        the Controller
      • getConfiguration

        public static Configuration getConfiguration​(XPathContext c)
        Return the Configuration object
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        the Saxon configuration
      • printStack

        public static One<StringValue> printStack​(XPathContext c)
        Return a string containing a diagnostic print of the current execution stack
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        a diagnostic stack print
      • eager

        public static ZeroOrMore<Item> eager​(ZeroOrMore<Item> value)
        Force eager evaluation of the expression supplied as the argument.
        value - any value
        the supplied value, but in a form that is guaranteed to be "grounded", that is, evaluated in memory with no context dependencies and no possibilities of dynamic evaluation errors when the value is used.
      • getPseudoAttribute

        public static ZeroOrOne<StringValue> getPseudoAttribute​(XPathContext c,
                                                                One<StringValue> name)
                                                         throws XPathException
        Get a pseudo-attribute of a processing instruction. Return an empty string if the pseudo-attribute is not present. Character references and built-in entity references are expanded
        c - the XPath dynamic context. The context item should be a processing instruction, though it doesn't matter if it isn't: the function will look at the string-value of the context item whatever it is.
        name - the name of the required pseudo-attribute
        the value of the pseudo-attribute if it is present
      • stringToUtf8

        public static ZeroOrMore<IntegerValue> stringToUtf8​(One<StringValue> in)
        Get the UTF-8 encoding of a string
        in - the supplied string
        a sequence of integers, each in the range 0-255, representing the octets of the UTF-8 encoding of the given string
      • base64BinaryToOctets

        public static byte[] base64BinaryToOctets​(One<Base64BinaryValue> in)
        Convert a base64Binary value to a sequence of integers representing the octets contained in the value
        in - the supplied base64Binary value
        the corresponding array of integers, representing the octet values
      • hexBinaryToOctets

        public static byte[] hexBinaryToOctets​(One<HexBinaryValue> in)
        Convert a hexBinary value to a sequence of integers representing the octets contained in the value
        in - the input hexBinary value
        the corresponding array of integers, representing the octet values
      • base64BinaryToString

        public static ZeroOrOne<StringValue> base64BinaryToString​(XPathContext context,
                                                                  ZeroOrOne<Base64BinaryValue> in,
                                                                  One<StringValue> encoding)
                                                           throws XPathException
        Convert a base64Binary value to a String, assuming a particular encoding
        context - the XPath dynamic context
        in - the supplied base64Binary value
        encoding - the character encoding
        the string that results from treating the base64binary value as a sequence of octets that encode a string in the given encoding
        XPathException - for example if the encoding is not recognized or if the binary value is not valid in this encoding.
      • stringToBase64Binary

        public static ZeroOrOne<Base64BinaryValue> stringToBase64Binary​(ZeroOrOne<StringValue> in,
                                                                        One<StringValue> encoding)
        Convert a string to a base64Binary value in a given encoding
        in - the input string
        encoding - the desired encoding
        the base64Binary value that results from encoding the string as a sequence of octets in the given encoding.
      • hexBinaryToString

        public static ZeroOrOne<StringValue> hexBinaryToString​(XPathContext context,
                                                               ZeroOrOne<HexBinaryValue> in,
                                                               One<StringValue> encoding)
                                                        throws XPathException
        Convert a hexBinary value to a String, assuming a particular encoding
        context - the XPath dynamic context
        in - the supplied hexBinary value
        encoding - the character encoding
        the string that results from treating the hexBinary value as a sequence of octets that encode a string in the given encoding
        XPathException - if the encoding is not recognized or if the binary value is not valid in this encoding.
      • readBinaryResource

        public static One<Base64BinaryValue> readBinaryResource​(One<StringValue> uri)
                                                         throws XPathException
        Read the contents of a binary resource identified by a URI
        uri - the URI of the resource to be read
        the contents of the resource identified by the URI, as a Base64Binary value
        XPathException - if an I/O error occurs, for example if the resource cannot be read
      • stringToHexBinary

        public static ZeroOrOne<HexBinaryValue> stringToHexBinary​(ZeroOrOne<StringValue> in,
                                                                  One<StringValue> encoding)
                                                           throws XPathException
        Convert a string to a hexBinary value in a given encoding
        in - the input string
        encoding - the desired encoding
        the hexBinary value that results from encoding the string as a sequence of octets in the given encoding.
        XPathException - in the event of a dynamic error, for example if the encoding is invalid or the binary value is not valid in this encoding.
      • validCharacter

        public static boolean validCharacter​(XPathContext c,
                                             int in)
        Test whether a given integer is the codepoint of a valid XML character
        c - the XPath dynamic context
        in - the character to be tested
        true if and only if the character is valid in (the relevant version of) XML
      • namespaceNode

        public static One<NodeInfo> namespaceNode​(XPathContext context,
                                                  One<StringValue> prefix,
                                                  One<StringValue> uri)
                                           throws XPathException
        Create a parentless namespace node. This function is useful in XQuery when namespaces need to be created dynamically. The effect is the same as that of the xsl:namespace instruction in XSLT.
        context - the dynamic evaluation context
        prefix - the name of the namespace node
        uri - the string value of the namespace node
        the newly constructed namespace node
        XPathException - for example if the prefix is not a valid NCName, or if the URI is empty.
      • unparsedEntities

        public static ZeroOrMore<StringValue> unparsedEntities​(One<NodeInfo> doc)
        Get a list of the names of the unparsed entities in a document
        doc - the document node of the document whose unparsed entities are required
        a sequence of strings containing the names of the unparsed entities
      • inSummerTime

        public static ZeroOrOne<BooleanValue> inSummerTime​(XPathContext context,
                                                           One<DateTimeValue> date,
                                                           One<StringValue> region)
        Determine whether a given date/time is in summer time (daylight savings time) in a given region. This relies on the Java database of changes to daylight savings time. Since summer time changes are set by civil authorities the information is not necessarily reliable when applied to dates in the future.
        context - used to get the implicit timezone in the event that the supplied date/time has no timezone
        date - the date/time in question. This should preferably include a timezone offset. If it does not, the implicit timezone from the dynamic context is used.
        region - either the two-letter ISO country code, or an Olsen timezone name such as "America/New_York" or "Europe/Lisbon". If the country code denotes a country spanning several timezones, such as the US, then one of them is chosen arbitrarily.
        true if the date/time is known to be in summer time in the relevant country; false if it is known not to be in summer time; null if an empty sequence was supplied for the dateTime argument, or if no information is available.
      • parseDateTime

        public static ZeroOrOne<CalendarValue> parseDateTime​(ZeroOrOne<StringValue> input,
                                                             One<StringValue> format)
                                                      throws XPathException
        Parse a date/time value in a non-standard format
        input - the input string
        format - defines the input format, using the notation of the Java DateTimeFormatter class. For example "MM/dd/yyyy" for the popular US format.
        the date time value represented
        XPathException - if parsing fails
      • adjustToCivilTime

        public static ZeroOrOne<DateTimeValue> adjustToCivilTime​(XPathContext context,
                                                                 ZeroOrOne<DateTimeValue> date,
                                                                 One<StringValue> region)
        Adjust a given date/time to a specified civil time zone, taking account of summer time (daylight savings time) changes, as obtained from the Java database of changes to daylight savings time. Since summer time changes are set by civil authorities the information is not necessarily reliable when applied to dates in the future.
        context - used to get the implicit timezone in the event that the supplied date/time has no timezone
        date - the date/time in question. This should preferably include a timezone offset. If it does not, the implicit timezone from the dynamic context is used.
        region - An Olsen timezone name such as "America/New_York" or "Europe/Lisbon".
        The date/time adjusted to the timezone offset applicable to the place denoted by the Olsen timezone name. For example:

        adjust-to-civil-time(xs:dateTime('2008-01-10T12:00:00Z', 'America/New_York') returns 2008-01-10T07:00:00-05:00

        adjust-to-civil-time(xs:dateTime('2008-07-10T12:00:00Z', 'America/New_York') returns 2008-07-10T08:00:00-04:00

      • currentModeName

        public static ZeroOrOne<QNameValue> currentModeName​(XPathContext context)
        Get the current mode. Returns the name of the current mode if there is one. Returns null (delivered as an empty sequence) if there is no current mode or if the current mode is the unnamed (default) mode.
        context - the dynamic context
        the current mode name, or empty if there is none
      • isDefaulted

        public static ZeroOrOne<BooleanValue> isDefaulted​(ZeroOrOne<NodeInfo> arg)
        Ask whether an attribute node exists as a result of the expansion of default and fixed values defined in a schema. Note that this property will only be set if both the configuration properties FeatureKeys.EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS and FeatureKeys.MARK_DEFAULTED_ATTRIBUTES are set. The property is currently maintained only for attribute nodes in a TinyTree that results from schema validation, or where DTD-defined defaults are notified by the XML parser.
        arg - the attribute node in question, or null
        null if the argument is null; true if the node is an attribute node that exists as a result of the expansion of default and fixed values defined in a schema; provided that configuration options are defined to maintain this property. In all other cases, false.