
Class DocumentBuilder

Class DomDestination

Class DynamicContext

Class DynamicError

Class EmptyEnumerator

Class ExtensionFunctionCall

Class ExtensionFunctionDefinition

Class NullDestination

Class ParameterDetails

Class Processor

Class QName

Class SchemaManager

Class SchemaValidator

Class Serializer

Class StandardLogger

Class StaticContext

Class StaticError

Class TextWriterDestination

Class TreeProtector

Class XPathCompiler

Class XPathExecutable

Class XPathSelector

Class XQueryCompiler

Class XQueryEvaluator

Class XQueryExecutable

Class XdmAnyFunctionType

Class XdmAnyItemType

Class XdmAnyNodeType

Class XdmAtomicType

Class XdmAtomicValue

Class XdmDestination

Class XdmEmptySequence

Class XdmFunctionItem

Class XdmItem

Class XdmItemType

Class XdmNode

Class XdmNodeKind

Class XdmSequenceType

Class XdmValue

Class XmlDestination

Class Xslt30Transformer

Class XsltCompiler

Class XsltExecutable

Class XsltPackage

Class XsltTransformer

Enum RecoveryPolicy

Enum SchemaValidationMode

Enum TreeModel

Enum WhitespacePolicy

Enum XdmAxis

Interface IMessageListener

Interface IQueryResolver

Interface IResultDocumentHandler

Interface IXdmEnumerator

Interface IXmlLocation

Interface SchemaResolver


Class StaticError

public class StaticError
implements Exception

The StaticError class contains information about a static error detected during compilation of a stylesheet, query, or XPath expression.

Property Summary
 QName ErrorCode

The error code, as a QName. May be null if no error code has been assigned

 String Message

Return the message associated with this error

 String InnerMessage

Return the message associated with this error concatenated with the message from the causing exception

 String ModuleUri

The URI of the query or stylesheet module in which the error was detected (as a string)

 int LineNumber

The line number locating the error within a query or stylesheet module

 int ColumnNumber

The line number locating the error within a query or stylesheet module

 bool IsWarning

Indicate whether this error is being reported as a warning condition. If so, applications may ignore the condition, though the results may not be as intended.

 bool IsTypeError

Indicate whether this condition is a type error.

 XPathException UnderlyingException

Return the underlying exception. This is unstable as this is an internal object

Method Summary
 String ToString()

Return the error message.

Property Detail


public QName ErrorCode {get; }

The error code, as a QName. May be null if no error code has been assigned


public override String Message {get; }

Return the message associated with this error


public String InnerMessage {get; }

Return the message associated with this error concatenated with the message from the causing exception


public String ModuleUri {get; }

The URI of the query or stylesheet module in which the error was detected (as a string)

May be null if the location of the error is unknown, or if the error is not localized to a specific module, or if the module in question has no known URI (for example, if it was supplied as an anonymous Stream)


public int LineNumber {get; }

The line number locating the error within a query or stylesheet module

May be set to -1 if the location of the error is unknown


public int ColumnNumber {get; }

The line number locating the error within a query or stylesheet module

May be set to -1 if the location of the error is unknown


public bool IsWarning {get; set; }

Indicate whether this error is being reported as a warning condition. If so, applications may ignore the condition, though the results may not be as intended.


public bool IsTypeError {get; }

Indicate whether this condition is a type error.


public XPathException UnderlyingException {get; }

Return the underlying exception. This is unstable as this is an internal object


Method Detail


public override String ToString()

Return the error message.