Class Mode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator, ExpressionOwner, Location, org.xml.sax.Locator
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CompoundMode, SimpleMode

    public abstract class Mode
    extends Actor
    A Mode is a collection of rules; the selection of a rule to apply to a given element is determined by a Pattern. A SimpleMode is a mode contained within a single package, as opposed to a CompoundMode which can combine rules from several packages
    • Field Detail

      • mustBeTyped

        public boolean mustBeTyped
      • mustBeUntyped

        public boolean mustBeUntyped
    • Method Detail

      • getBuiltInRuleSet

        public abstract BuiltInRuleSet getBuiltInRuleSet()
        Get the built-in template rules to be used with this Mode in the case where there is no explicit template rule
        the built-in rule set, defaulting to the TextOnlyCopyRuleSet if no other rule set has been supplied
      • isUnnamedMode

        public boolean isUnnamedMode()
        Determine if this is the unnamed mode
        true if this is the unnamed mode
      • getModeName

        public StructuredQName getModeName()
        Get the name of the mode (for diagnostics only)
        the mode name. Null for the default (unnamed) mode
      • getActivePart

        public abstract SimpleMode getActivePart()
        Get the active component of this mode. For a simple mode this is the mode itself; for a compound mode it is the "overriding" part
      • getMaxPrecedence

        public abstract int getMaxPrecedence()
        Get the maximum precedence of the rules in this mode
      • getMaxRank

        public abstract int getMaxRank()
        Get the highest rank of the rules in this mode
        the highest rank
      • computeRankings

        public abstract void computeRankings​(int start)
                                      throws XPathException
        Compute a rank for each rule, as a combination of the precedence and priority, to allow rapid comparison. This method also checks that there are no conflicts for property values in different xsl:mode declarations
        start - the lowest rank to use
        XPathException - if an error occurs processing the rules
      • getModeTitle

        public java.lang.String getModeTitle()
        Get a title for the mode: either "Mode mode-name" or "The unnamed mode" as appropriate
        a title for the mode
      • setModeTracing

        public void setModeTracing​(boolean tracing)
        Switch tracing on or off
      • isModeTracing

        public boolean isModeTracing()
      • getAccumulators

        public java.util.Set<? extends Accumulator> getAccumulators()
        Get the list of accumulators declared on the xsl:mode/@use-accumulators attribute
        the list of accumulators applicable when this is the initial mode
      • setAccumulators

        public void setAccumulators​(java.util.Set<? extends Accumulator> accumulators)
        Set the list of accumulators declared on the xsl:mode/@use-accumulators attribute
        accumulators - the list of accumulators applicable when this is the initial mode
      • getSymbolicName

        public SymbolicName getSymbolicName()
        Description copied from class: Actor
        Get the symbolic name of the component
        Specified by:
        getSymbolicName in class Actor
        the symbolic name
      • isEmpty

        public abstract boolean isEmpty()
        Ask whether there are any template rules in this mode (a mode could exist merely because it is referenced in apply-templates)
        true if no template rules exist in this mode
      • setRecoveryPolicy

        public void setRecoveryPolicy​(RecoveryPolicy policy)
        Set the policy for handling recoverable errors. Note that for some errors the decision can be made at run-time, but for the "ambiguous template match" error, the decision is (since 9.2) fixed at compile time.
        policy - the recovery policy to be used.
      • setHasRules

        public void setHasRules​(boolean hasRules)
      • getRecoveryPolicy

        public RecoveryPolicy getRecoveryPolicy()
        Get the policy for handling recoverable errors. Note that for some errors the decision can be made at run-time, but for the "ambiguous template match" error, the decision is (since 9.2) fixed at compile time.
        the current policy.
      • setStreamable

        public void setStreamable​(boolean streamable)
        Say that this mode is (or is not) streamable
        streamable - true if this mode is a streamable mode
      • isDeclaredStreamable

        public boolean isDeclaredStreamable()
        Ask whether this mode is declared to be streamable
        true if this mode is declared with the option streamable="yes"
      • getExplicitNamespaces

        public abstract java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getExplicitNamespaces​(NamePool pool)
        Get the "explicit namespaces" matched by this mode. Returns a set containing all the namespaces matched by specific template rules in this mode
        pool - the NamePool for the configuration
        the set of all namespace URIs of names explicitly matched by rules in this mode
      • setDefaultResultType

        public void setDefaultResultType​(SequenceType type)
      • getDefaultResultType

        public SequenceType getDefaultResultType()
      • processRules

        public abstract void processRules​(Mode.RuleAction action)
                                   throws XPathException
        Walk over all the rules, applying a specified action to each one.
        action - an action that is to be applied to all the rules in this Mode
        XPathException - if an error occurs processing any of the rules
      • makeNewContext

        public XPathContext makeNewContext​(XPathContext context)
        Make a new XPath context for evaluating patterns if there is any possibility that the pattern uses local variables
        context - The existing XPath context
        a new XPath context
      • getRule

        public abstract Rule getRule​(Item item,
                                     XPathContext context)
                              throws XPathException
        Get the rule corresponding to a given item, by finding the best pattern match.
        item - the item to be matched
        context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
        the best matching rule, if any (otherwise null).
        XPathException - if an error occurs matching a pattern
      • getRule

        public abstract Rule getRule​(Item item,
                                     XPathContext context,
                                     Mode.RuleFilter filter)
                              throws XPathException
        Get the rule corresponding to a given item, by finding the best Pattern match.
        item - the item to be matched
        context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
        filter - a filter to select which rules should be considered
        the best matching rule, if any (otherwise null).
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • getRule

        public Rule getRule​(Item item,
                            int min,
                            int max,
                            XPathContext context)
                     throws XPathException
        Get the rule corresponding to a given Node, by finding the best Pattern match, subject to a minimum and maximum precedence. (This supports xsl:apply-imports)
        item - the item to be matched
        min - the minimum import precedence
        max - the maximum import precedence
        context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
        the Rule registered for that node, if any (otherwise null).
        XPathException - if an error occurs evaluating match patterns
      • getNextMatchRule

        public Rule getNextMatchRule​(Item item,
                                     Rule currentRule,
                                     XPathContext context)
                              throws XPathException
        Get the rule corresponding to a given Node, by finding the next-best Pattern match after the specified object.
        item - the NodeInfo referring to the node to be matched
        currentRule - the current rule; we are looking for the next match after the current rule
        context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
        the object (e.g. a NodeHandler) registered for that element, if any (otherwise null).
        XPathException - if an error occurs matching a pattern
      • exportTemplateRules

        public abstract void exportTemplateRules​(ExpressionPresenter out)
                                          throws XPathException
        Export all template rules in this mode in a form that can be re-imported. Note that template rules with union patterns may have been split into multiple rules. We need to avoid outputting them more than once.
        out - used to display the expression tree
      • explainTemplateRules

        public abstract void explainTemplateRules​(ExpressionPresenter out)
                                           throws XPathException
        Explain all template rules in this mode in a form that can be re-imported. Note that template rules with union patterns may have been split into multiple rules. We need to avoid outputting them more than once.
        out - used to display the expression tree
      • applyTemplates

        public TailCall applyTemplates​(ParameterSet parameters,
                                       ParameterSet tunnelParameters,
                                       NodeInfo separator,
                                       Outputter output,
                                       XPathContextMajor context,
                                       Location locationId)
                                throws XPathException
        Process selected nodes using the template rules registered for this mode.
        parameters - A ParameterSet containing the parameters to the handler/template being invoked. Specify null if there are no parameters.
        tunnelParameters - A ParameterSet containing the parameters to the handler/template being invoked. Specify null if there are no parameters.
        separator - Text node to be inserted between the output of successive input items; may be null
        output - The destination for the result of the selected templates
        context - A newly-created context object (this must be freshly created by the caller, as it will be modified by this method). The nodes to be processed are those selected by the currentIterator in this context object. There is also a precondition that this mode must be the current mode in this context object.
        locationId - location of this apply-templates instruction in the stylesheet
        a TailCall returned by the last template to be invoked, or null, indicating that there are no outstanding tail calls.
        XPathException - if any dynamic error occurs
      • getStackFrameSlotsNeeded

        public abstract int getStackFrameSlotsNeeded()
      • getCodeForBuiltInRuleSet

        public java.lang.String getCodeForBuiltInRuleSet​(BuiltInRuleSet builtInRuleSet)
        Return a code string for a built-in rule set. This can be specialised in subclasses for PE/EE
        builtInRuleSet - the rule set to get a code
        a simple string code or "???" if the ruleset is unknown
      • getBuiltInRuleSetForCode

        public BuiltInRuleSet getBuiltInRuleSetForCode​(java.lang.String code)
        Return a built-in rule set for a code string.
        code - the code used in export
        a suitable ruleset
      • export

        public final void export​(ExpressionPresenter presenter)
                          throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: Actor
        Export expression structure. The abstract expression tree is written to the supplied outputstream.
        Specified by:
        export in class Actor
        presenter - the expression presenter used to generate the XML representation of the structure
      • exportUseAccumulators

        protected void exportUseAccumulators​(ExpressionPresenter presenter)
      • isMustBeTyped

        public boolean isMustBeTyped()