Class XSLGlobalVariable

    • Field Detail

      • redundant

        protected boolean redundant
    • Constructor Detail

      • XSLGlobalVariable

        public XSLGlobalVariable()
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceBinding

        public SourceBinding getSourceBinding()
        Get the source binding object that holds information about the declared variable.
        the source binding
      • getObjectName

        public StructuredQName getObjectName()
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically. If there is no name, the value will be null.
        getObjectName in class StyleElement
        the name of the object declared in this element, if any
      • mayContainSequenceConstructor

        public boolean mayContainSequenceConstructor()
        Determine whether this type of element is allowed to contain a template-body
        mayContainSequenceConstructor in class StyleElement
        true: yes, it may contain a template-body
      • isGlobal

        public boolean isGlobal()
        Test whether this is a global variable or parameter
        true if this is global
      • postValidate

        public void postValidate()
                          throws XPathException
        Hook to allow additional validation of a parent element immediately after its children have been validated.
        postValidate in class StyleElement
        XPathException - if any error is found during post-traversal validation
      • getActor

        public Actor getActor()
                       throws XPathException
        Get the corresponding Procedure object that results from the compilation of this StylesheetProcedure
        Specified by:
        getActor in interface StylesheetComponent
        the compiled ComponentCode
        XPathException - if generating the ComponentBody fails
      • getSymbolicName

        public SymbolicName getSymbolicName()
        Description copied from interface: StylesheetComponent
        Get the symbolic name of the component, that is, the combination of the component kind and the qualified name
        Specified by:
        getSymbolicName in interface StylesheetComponent
        the component's symbolic name
      • checkCompatibility

        public void checkCompatibility​(Component component)
        Description copied from interface: StylesheetComponent
        Check the compatibility of this component with another component that it is overriding
        Specified by:
        checkCompatibility in interface StylesheetComponent
        component - the overridden component
      • getBindingInformation

        public SourceBinding getBindingInformation​(StructuredQName name)
        Ask whether this element contains a binding for a variable with a given name; and if it does, return the source binding information
        getBindingInformation in class StyleElement
        name - the variable name
        the binding information if this element binds a variable of this name; otherwise null
      • prepareAttributes

        public void prepareAttributes()
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Set the attribute list for the element. This is called to process the attributes (note the distinction from processAttributes in the superclass). Must be supplied in a subclass
        Specified by:
        prepareAttributes in class StyleElement
      • index

        public void index​(ComponentDeclaration decl,
                          PrincipalStylesheetModule top)
                   throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Method supplied by declaration elements to add themselves to a stylesheet-level index
        index in class StyleElement
        decl - the Declaration being indexed. (This corresponds to the StyleElement object except in cases where one module is imported several times with different precedence.)
        top - represents the outermost XSLStylesheet or XSLPackage element
        XPathException - if any error is encountered
      • validate

        public void validate​(ComponentDeclaration decl)
                      throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Check that the stylesheet element is valid. This is called once for each element, after the entire tree has been built. As well as validation, it can perform first-time initialisation. The default implementation does nothing; it is normally overriden in subclasses.
        validate in class StyleElement
        decl - the declaration to be validated
        XPathException - if any error is found during validation
      • isAssignable

        public boolean isAssignable()
        Ask whether the global variable is declared with assignable="yes"
        true if assignabl="yes" was specified
      • isDeclaration

        public boolean isDeclaration()
        Determine whether this node is a declaration.
        isDeclaration in class StyleElement
        true - a global variable is a declaration
      • isInstruction

        public boolean isInstruction()
        Determine whether this node is an instruction.
        isInstruction in class StyleElement
        false - a global variable is not an instruction
      • getRequiredType

        public SequenceType getRequiredType()
        Get the static type of the variable. This is the declared type, unless the value is statically known and constant, in which case it is the actual type of the value.
        the declared or inferred static type of the variable
      • fixupReferences

        public void fixupReferences()
                             throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Fix up references from XPath expressions. Overridden for function declarations and variable declarations
        fixupReferences in class StyleElement
        XPathException - if any references cannot be fixed up.
      • compileDeclaration

        public void compileDeclaration​(Compilation compilation,
                                       ComponentDeclaration decl)
                                throws XPathException
        Compile. This method ensures space is available for local variables declared within this global variable
        compileDeclaration in class StyleElement
        compilation - the compilation episode
        decl - the containing top-level declaration, for example xsl:function or xsl:template
        XPathException - if compilation fails
      • initializeBinding

        protected void initializeBinding​(GlobalVariable var)
        Initialize - common code called from the compile() method of all subclasses
        var - the representation of the variable declaration in the compiled executable
      • getSlotManager

        public SlotManager getSlotManager()
        Get the SlotManager associated with this stylesheet construct. The SlotManager contains the information needed to manage the local stack frames used by run-time instances of the code.
        Specified by:
        getSlotManager in interface StylesheetComponent
        the associated SlotManager object
      • setRedundant

        public void setRedundant​(boolean redundant)
        Mark this global variable as redundant, typically because it is overridden by another global variable of the same name, or because there are no references to it
        redundant - true if this variable is redundant, otherwise false