Class Numberer_tr

    • Constructor Detail

      • Numberer_tr

        public Numberer_tr()
    • Method Detail

      • formatWord

        public java.lang.String formatWord​(java.lang.String word,
                                           int formatIdx)
      • numberer

        public java.lang.String numberer​(long number,
                                         int format)
      • toWords

        public java.lang.String toWords​(long l)
        Description copied from class: AbstractNumberer
        Show the number as words in title case. (We choose title case because the result can then be converted algorithmically to lower case or upper case).
        Specified by:
        toWords in class AbstractNumberer
        l - the number to be formatted
        the number formatted as English words
      • monthName

        public java.lang.String monthName​(int ay,
                                          int min,
                                          int max)
        Description copied from class: AbstractNumberer
        Get a month name or abbreviation
        Specified by:
        monthName in interface Numberer
        Specified by:
        monthName in class AbstractNumberer
        ay - The month number (1=January, 12=December)
        min - The minimum number of characters
        max - The maximum number of characters
        the month name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "September" or "Sep")
      • dayName

        public java.lang.String dayName​(int gun,
                                        int min,
                                        int max)
        Description copied from class: AbstractNumberer
        Get a day name or abbreviation
        Specified by:
        dayName in interface Numberer
        Specified by:
        dayName in class AbstractNumberer
        gun - The day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
        min - The minimum number of characters
        max - The maximum number of characters
        the day name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "Monday" or "Mon")
      • camelBump

        public java.lang.String camelBump​(java.lang.String string)
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)