Interface StringCollator

    • Method Detail

      • getCollationURI

        java.lang.String getCollationURI()
        Get the collation URI. It must be possible to use this collation URI to reconstitute the collation
        a collation URI that can be used to reconstruct the collation when an XSLT package is reloaded.
      • compareStrings

        int compareStrings​(java.lang.CharSequence o1,
                           java.lang.CharSequence o2)
        Compare two strings
        o1 - the first string
        o2 - the second string
        0 if the strings are considered equal, a negative integer if the first string is less than the second, a positive integer if the first string is greater than the second
      • comparesEqual

        boolean comparesEqual​(java.lang.CharSequence s1,
                              java.lang.CharSequence s2)
        Compare two strings for equality. This may be more efficient than using compareStrings and testing whether the result is zero, but it must give the same result
        s1 - the first string
        s2 - the second string
        true if and only if the strings are considered equal,
      • getCollationKey

        AtomicMatchKey getCollationKey​(java.lang.CharSequence s)
        Get a collation key for a String. The essential property of collation keys is that if (and only if) two strings are equal under the collation, then comparing the collation keys using the equals() method must return true.
        s - the string whose collation key is required
        the collation key