Saxon-CE Licensing

Saxon-CE 1.1 is available as an open-source product, under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0.

Some third-party open source components have been used in the construction of Saxon-CE. These use a variety of licenses (BSD-style, Apache) that are compatible with MPL 1.0. Some of these licenses require notices to be included in any software distribution: these notices are installed in the same directory as the product itself. Some third-party licenses include requirements to release details of modifications made to source code; these details are provided in comments in the source code modules in question.

Third-Party License Notices

Saxon-CE uses third-party packages from the following individuals or organisations.




Jakarta regex library


Apache 2.0

Traces of XPath parser

James Clark

See text



See text

Unicode Normalization

Unicode, Inc

See text

Please download the notices zip file to see the text of the licenses referenced above.